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Bases: PhaseMethod

A class representing the Five-Phase Method, which is an extension of the three-phase method, allowing for more complex simulations. It includes various matrices, octrees, and other attributes used in the simulation.


Name Type Description
blacked_out_octree Path

Path to the octree with blacked-out surfaces.

vmap_oct Path

Path to the vmap octree.

cdmap_oct Path

Path to the cdmap octree.

window_senders Dict[str, SurfaceSender]

Dictionary of window sender objects.

window_receivers Dict[str, SurfaceReceiver]

Dictionary of window receiver objects.

window_bsdfs Dict[str, ndarray]

Dictionary of window BSDFs.

view_window_matrices Dict[str, Matrix]

Dictionary of view window matrices.

sensor_window_matrices Dict[str, Matrix]

Dictionary of sensor window matrices.

daylight_matrices Dict[str, Matrix]

Dictionary of daylight matrices.

direct_sun_matrix ndarray

Direct sun matrix.

Initializes the FivePhaseMethod object by setting up octrees, matrices, and other necessary attributes.

Reads materials and scene files, constructs necessary octrees, and prepares window objects, sun receivers, and various mapping matrices based on the provided configuration.


Name Type Description Default
config WorkflowConfig

WorkflowConfig object containing all necessary information for initializing the five-phase method.


